Saturday, September 12, 2009

What to expect in this blog...

I haven't successfully blogged before, and as I spend more time on social networking sites, I figure it is time I started. As I sit and think about what to post and what other people may want to read about, I realized there are already so many sites/blogs/tweets dedicated to real estate that speak to the usual subjects: What is the market like? What does it take to sell my home in today's market? Will the first time homebuyer credit stick around?

So instead of adding to the white noise, I have decided to blog about what I see every day. Names and addresses will always be withheld to respect everyone's privacy. But if I see a homemade firepit in the backyard - you know the kind where you dig a hole, add some logs and promote it as a firepit? That might end up here.

Hence the name of this blog, Keeping the Real in Denver Real Estate.


  1. I am excited to follow this, as I know that you, as good as anyone I've met in the real estate market in Denver, knows how to "call it as you see it" and won't pull any punches . . . Kudos to you !

  2. I am also proud to be the 1st post . . . keep up the good work!
